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In our industry, we use the term “Preneed” to describe planning one’s end-of-life affairs in advance. There are many reasons to plan a family estate or family member’s final resting place in advance, and we believe that Preneed planning can truly benefit the entire family.

The Importance of Estate Planning

While estate planning may at first seem unnerving, we find that families eventually take great comfort in having navigated end-of-life choices ahead of time. When estate planning decisions are made ahead of time, families are able to focus on the grieving process with less pressure and to reflect properly on a life well-lived.

You may have very particular wishes, including the location you would like to be interred, how the ceremony will unfold, or what attire you prefer. The caring staff at Travis Monument Group are experts at providing help where you need it and will always try to make sure your desires are fulfilled.

Preneed Planning

Preneed planning involves making final arrangements for the funeral and disposition of you or your loved one before passing. These plans may also be prepaid ahead of time at many funeral homes and cemeteries.

Some family members inquire about Preneed plans for their elders because they want to ensure that their loved one’s wishes are recorded while they are still able to clearly communicate their choices. These family members have often discussed the estate and burial in advance.

Preplanning allows you to consider your exact wishes for your memorial with ample time to understand what is possible and to choose carefully. Considering your memorial early also allows you to create a smart funding plan that can be paid in increments. Another reason many families complete a Preneed plan is that Medicaid may allow burial benefits.

We Are Here To Assist With Advanced Planning

When your wishes are already spelled out, your family can reduce the number of delicate decisions necessary and instead take the time they need to grieve your loss. In addition, they can rest assured that you will receive the memorial you specifically chose.

At Travis Monument Group, we are honored to help families with these important choices each and every day. Over many years, our team has helped hundreds of local families navigate the process successfully. We recommend prearrangement of your memorial, an intelligent and considerate solution that ultimately benefits everyone.

Should you prefer to purchase or simply plan the details of your monument or headstone in advance, we are here to guide and help you every step of the way, at no charge.

Talk Of A Lifetime

The Talk of a Lifetime offers guidance on starting difficult conversations with your loved ones about their final arrangement preferences. It offers a series of helpful starter questions that can guide you in getting to know family members and friends in new and different ways. While talking about preplanning final arrangements may at first seem unnerving, the Talk of a Lifetime process offers a meaningful and gentle way to facilitate learning about your loved one’s final wishes without discomfort or stress.

At Travis Monument Group, we are familiar with the best ways to plan your memorial and are ready to assist you. We can talk you through cemetery options as well as memorial ideas and, based on our conversations, discover the right options for your eternal rest.

You don’t change things that have worked for generations. They are tried and true. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, it’s forever.

– Charles Minozzi Sr.

President and Master Stone Mason

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